Navalnyis being pitched as this massive Putin opposition...

  1. 4,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    Navalnyis being pitched as this massive Putin opposition figure.

    If you bothered to do any research at all, you would know that he wasn't.

    I've watched some of his vids.And I've got a question.

    How did he manage to fly his drones over all these properties that allegedly belong to the richest and most corrupt people in Russia?

    Are these rich/corrupt people not worried about the fact that someone may fly a drone over their pool and drop some poison into it? Or drop a grenade on their house? Do people really think that these people don't have any drone defence systems set up?

    How gullible would you have to be...

    I mean what do you reckon would happen if you try fly a drone over one of Trump's or Biden's houses?

    Navalny's been doing this for years. He's been public about it. Everybody knows he's been doing it. Especially the Russian intelligence organisations.

    As I said before, Navalny got involved in a game that he didn't completely understand. Just like Ukraine did. Which is very unfortunate.

    Navalny's organisation was dismantled. He posed absolutely no threat to the Russian government. They had ZERO reasons to kill hiim.
    Another question is -why now? Why not get Navalny shanked within the first few weeks of his imprisonment, even before the whole Ukrainian war? Hardly anybody would have cared.

    But I guess it doesn't matter. Because the current narrative is, that Putin is a crazy dictator, who just does sh`t, cuz he's CRRRAAAZZZYYY!!!
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