putin now is a murderer!, page-44

  1. 4,600 Posts.
    "The usa is so far ahead of Russia technically there is no contest!"

    True, but Nuclear they have equal level of technology (though US has missile submarine and naval advantage) both still have a considerable number of ICBMs which can be launched in less than a minute.

    However Russia does have an advantage in Surface to Surface tactical missiles, armed with conventional or nuclear warheads.

    The Iskander M or SS-26 Stone (NATO's name) Russian tactical surface-to-surface (SS) missile. It was developed to offset NATO advantage in conventional forces and move eastward.

    It's a highle mobile platform making it almost impossible to detect and destroy. Has a hypersonic velocity of mach 6-7 and is not only highly accurate vs stationary targets but can also destroy mobile targets thanks to it's optical guidenace.

    Also next to impossible to destroy in flight, as it has countermeasures,jammers,high velocity and highly uncoventional trajectory. Is also highly manouverable can pull 20-30g and move into different altitudes/trajectories to avoid anti ballistic missiles like Patriot.

    Has a range of 400km but that could easily be extended. One mobile launcher holds two missiles, it can destroy two targets in less than a minute up to 280km.

    It's the missile NATO tried to have banned under Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which Putin pulled out of in 2007.

    Since then Putin put them into mass production along with the Topol-M, so who knows how many they have.

    (source: ISKANDER-M: MISSILE SYSTEM OF THE 21ST CENTURY Military Parade Issue 34. July - August 1999)


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