If you think Gillard and Rudd are talking heads, heavn help us...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    If you think Gillard and Rudd are talking heads, heavn help us if Bill Shorten inherits the Labor leadership. He hasn't a clue about giving a short answer - to anything.

    Then again, there is a deliberate pattern to each Q&A session.

    1/ The audience is deliberately stacked with Labor supporters.
    Ticket applicants have to state their voting intentions. (And you'd have to be keen (or recruited) to want to go along anyway! And one would imagine that the radical Left would be more likely to turn out to cheer their own along!)

    And the applause is ALWAYS heavily stacked to the benefit of anyone of the Left persuasion, as it was again tonight.
    Whenever the others made a good point, there was audience silence.

    2/ The main Labor pollie is always allowed, by Tony Jones, to ramble on ad nauseum and go off on irrelevant tangents when answering questions. I see this as a deliberate ploy - because the more this person talks - the less time others have to give opinions. Again, Shorten was allowed to go on, and on, and on. And was well applauded.

    3/ Only two of the right were on the panel. Liberal leader of the Senate Eric Abetz and one other man whose name escapes me. Each got the usual derisive groans, and each were hurried up, ignored, or cut off mid answer, at various
    stages by Tony Jones.

    4/ Two women panellists - both heavily of the Left! One was Judge Felcitity Hempel - the other some young Pollyanna type who loves all the boats coming and defended absolutely everything else Labor!

    What angers me about this show (I watch it because nothing else on worth watching) is that Tony Jones sets this up every week, and thinks we're dumb enough not to know that it
    IS a set-up. Tony Jones is very cunning in making sure the Labor panelist he favors hogs the whole show. Never a "hurry up" or a hand up to tell them to shoosh.

    Not only did Shorten get a fantastic go - he also moans and groans and interrupts when someone else is giving an alternate opinion. And talk about slogans - he must lie in bed at night studying up on them.

    One classic he came out with re. an equal wage issue was -
    "females giving more emotional care". How condescending and discriminatory against males.

    Surely we deserve a balanced and honest discussion program from "our" ABC. But they just can't help themselves in putting on this rubbish and taking us for fools.

    "Feed 'em cake" said Marie Antionette of her starving subjects. "Feed 'em muck" seems to be the ABC policy.

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