1. 10,824 Posts. (The Climate Sceptics (TCS) Blog)

    Of particular interest was a question from a stern faced Muslim in the audience. His name was Khaled Elomar. The first thing which struck me was his name, Elomar. The Elomar name is infamous because Mohamed Elomar and his associate Khaled Sharrouf left Australia to fight with ISIS and took every opportunity to be photographed holding severed heads and encouraging Sharrouf’s young son to do the same. In addition, another member of the Elomar family, Ahmed, brother of Mohamed, has been in prison after bashing a policeman during the Hyde Park riots. Another family member, Mohamed Elomar's uncle, Mohamed Ali Elomar, was found guilty of planning an act of terror against Sydney in  2009.

    I don’t know if Khaled Elomar is a member of this distinguished family but if he is it is not the first time the ABC has imported questionable audience members with Zaky Mallah given pride of place in a previous Q & A.

    Khaled Elomar’s question wasn’t a question at all. On one level it was a threat. As the grand Mufti said, to criticise Islam is to risk a violent response. In Islam infidels or non-Muslims have 3 choices: convert, pay the infidel tax, the Jizya, or die. There is no room for criticism. Nor will there be until Islam undergoes a reformation as Christianity has done. Christianity now supports individuality: it no longer prescribes its faith. People are free to choose, or not and the consequences become an individual choice. In Islam there is no choice. Islam is a complete lifestyle covering politics, economics and law. To be a Muslim means you have no choice. You follow the dictates of the ideology.
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