Q&A, page-232

  1. 15,271 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    That Q and A on Monday night provided some intellectual stimulation and interesting discussion. At least, Brian Cox had the decency to listen to Malcolm Roberts with respect and good humour. Both of them came well out of it. Where the truth is it is hard for a layman to know as there is an abiding sense among many including myself that while scientists like Cox put a plausible case there is also too much to suggest that the numbers and stats have been manipulated and even bodgeyed up.

    Of course again the programme started with a favourite lefty topic straight out of the gate, the old chestnut of ' refugees'. What would Q and A and indeed the entire ALPBC do without it. The argument and discussion was stacked and biased there from the start with barely a mention of how incident reports on Christmas Island and other places of detention are lodged for often trivial matters. In addition, activists encourage lodgement of complaints and incident report to make the system look as if it is in disarray which it is not and of course as well we know that many of the claims are spurious and acts of interference or violence may be perpetrated intentionally by inmates for political purposes.

    All up, Q and A was another lefty talk fest with little exposure of any non - leftist view. It should be shut down and Tony Jones should be sacked for incompetence being as he is a plainly partisan overseer not an impartial journalist.
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