q an a, page-49

  1. 135 Posts.
    Q&A is a perfect example of why the ABC must be made financially accountable or be sold off in the 1st term of a Liberal government. Tony Jones does all but wave a red flag and sing The Internationale every week, panels are always skewed to the left [or in the case of the recent disgraceful appearances by Marr,Humphries et al - the poseurs], the audience is always full of a GetUp style "rent-a-crowd".

    Unlike the Bolt Report, Alan Jones, even the SMH, Age, Australian - all of which are commercial and able to express any political viewpoint they wish - the ABC is publicly owned and funded. It is forbidden by its Charter to be politically partisan. That is a rule more honoured in its breach. The ABC, from Q&A to Insiders, even 7.30 [when Uhlmann isn't around] is crawling with journos whose political views span the width of a handkerchief. Little wonder Abbott declines to go on with Jones; many still recall Jones' petty tantrum when the ABC was forced to screen TGGWS.

    The majority of taxpayers should not be forced to fund what is basically a media outlet for the Greens and ALP. I believe the ABC should be made into a GBE, be required to be entirely self-funding through sponsorship, remove all staff from the Public Service Act and employ them under contract, replace management with one that is commercially responsive, put a broom through the place to remove all the red-raggers who drive the culture and enforce adherence to the Charter as far as politcal balance is concerned. Or - just sell it to an equity firm.
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