There is no doubt in my mind that the stupid printing of...

  1. 8,557 Posts.
    There is no doubt in my mind that the stupid printing of Trillions of dollars have pumped up the markets for the last three years or so , Now they have nowhere to go ,except down as this stupid artificial stimulus is gone ! With the real china growth at 4%% or so, the world has run out of growth and debt now rules!! The commodity collapse is getting worse and spells disaster for Aust, who put nothing in the Rainy Day Bank , instead rewarded investors, middle class welfare , and encouraged corrupt unions and bloated public servants to spend our hard earned cash And how much exposure have our big four banks. CBA. alone has dropped nearly 30% !!!! Watch out imo for used car yards full of near new cars for sale and a tsunami of new housing listings!! 1929 is a possibility again ! We will know more in the next two weeks imo!
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