Q. Oiling my wood, page-241

  1. 31,180 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I left little Kudu inspired (because the bit of wood looked more like an Antelope than a horses head) piece in Perth.
    I wanted to try a few different techniques, re the ways to twist, plat or weave the different sizes of wire and the best way to cheat/manipulate the gal wire rusty.

    Some styles lend themselves to quite contemplation, a sketch pad, water colours, photography and so on.

    As a novice without the restrictions of being true to my inner artistic self, grounded in a particular area, a distinct lack of previous experience in just about all the necessary skills
    I went down the beach, to the north of my place and flicked the rod a bit.
    I picked up this bit of wood about a meter from the drivers seat, only a bit was poking up through the sand and I pulled it out so I wouldn’t do the one legged dance, later.
    I decided to use this as my sketch pad type of thing and that’s how I can justify starting another folly when I already have enough unfinished projects, jobs around the yards and jobs that need to happen with my 2 licenses.

    I have been trying a few combinations/styles to try and work out my game plan.

    PS I’m going to wrap some tinsel around it and call it Rudolf had an accident!

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