qadaffi is a madman...confirmed, page-26

  1. 733 Posts.
    'People in Australia take our basic rights for granted....if we want to complain about the government we are not threatened with weapons!!!!! We can say what the hell we want...worse case scenario..people think you are a nutter..'

    What do you think would happen in Australia if we were armed and took over various towns and cities with the intent to overthrow the government. This is an armed uprising by a minority of Libya. The vast majority still back the regime.

    Its quite concerning to see the amount of spin and disinformation being delivered by the MSM to 'butter' up the world population to justify this invasion. This was done previously to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It has been mentioned by others, but why all the interest in Libya, where places like the Congo, Chad, Mozambique and Zimbabwe all have track records in ethnic cleansing and genocide. What has Gaddafi done to warrant this aggression by the West that other countries have not been accused of doing to their own people?

    Look at the current double standards in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, why is that the UN is allowing these autocratic governments to quell their own domestic uprising by force and not Libya?

    Theres one common denominator = Oil!

    The world is fastly running out of oil, why has there been a massive rise in oil prices of late if Lybia only contributes only 3.5% of daily output. Surely other countries can compensate by producing more oil and taking up the slack. The simple fact is that OPEC nor other oil producing nations can supply anymore oil to meet demand, we have hit peak oil. America and the rest of the West needs to secure future oil supplies, as they realise that there is not enough supply to meet current and predicted demand.

    It appals me to see these War mongers on television trying to justify another invasion. This whole situation in the middle east can easily spiral out of control, our future and the future of subsequent generations of the world are controlled by a select few, who kill innocents for their globalist agenda.

    Who are the real criminals here? The Libyan's? Or is it the West who masquerade behind the approval given by the UN to justify another illegal war!
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