All of the references to shareholder approval of Joyce actions...

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    All of the references to shareholder approval of Joyce actions and his greed are getting up my nose somewhat.

    Shareholders are being cited as in someway proving that all is okay and fair. How would we expect the companies shareholders to react to any action to improve it's bottom line (read more money in the shareholders pockets), of course they are going to approve. They are not interested in the fact that the income and conditions of employment of their employees are under threat. They see this as a win - for themselves.

    As a frequent air traveler over many years I have flown by Qantas both when it was government owned and since it was sold to profit seekers. When flying in a government owned plane there was a feeling of inner peace in that I felt safe. There was no doubt in mind that safety first really meant safety first. We all knew that Qantas was proud of it's safety record which made it the safest international airline in the world. Since its privatization this confidence has been slowly drained. The feeling that the bottom line is what counts and that the safety factor now plays second fiddle to the dollar is always at the back of the mind. Various and numerous incidents over recent years have reinforced this belief. These include some which could have been very very serious. These near misses did not occur when the airline was government owned. Each time their has been a mishap the impression that the private owners have relegated safety to somewhere each of it's passengers would rather it not be has been increased. Now when traveling with Qantas I have a sense of relief when the feet hit the ground.

    Personally I have been fortunate in that I have not been on a Qantas plane in which passengers have experienced what must have been psychological trauma. I have, though, waited for two hours for luggage to be unloaded from the plane when it's cargo door was jammed (!). On another occasion I waited at the airport for five hours during which passengers boarded the plane twice only to have the takeoff aborted and then finally taking off with Qantas staff explaining away the incident with statements about always placing the safety of passengers as top priority. Cold assurance.

    Joyce has been acclaimed by Qantas shareholders as being the man for the job, given a hefty dollar increase and the nod that his way of how an airline should be run is the correct one. We can only hope for all Qantas travelers that he is going down the correct path. A five million dollar package will ring hollow for Joyce if he is wrong. As it will for Qantas shareholders.
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