Qld Labor delivers $1000 cost of living rebate to every household!, page-205

  1. 22,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    This is ridiculous what Miles is doing here, making taxpayers pay the electric bill doesn't make the cost our power any less, worse still Miles will have to borrow more money to pay the electric bill and that extra debt will have interest attached and thus Queenslanders will end up paying even more for the electric in the end, Dutton needs to get on Tv and explain to Queenslanders and people Nationally really because rumours are Chalmers is going to also further subsidise power prices that this subsidization of power prices by our Labor governments state and federal was never required under the LNP management while renewables were being expanded under LNP leadership due to much better management of the transition and associated policies.

    I think Dutton should also point out the fact they this looks like an obvious desperate attempt to buy votes for Labor, be it State and Federal and also and probably most importantly Dutton should also point out that Labor is also masking/ reducing the true Australian inflation numbers because the cost of any government subsidies State and Federal to pay for the extra high electric prices Labor has created with their policies does not get counted as a cost of consumers electric in official inflation numbers.......Dutton should explain to people how Labor are just manipulating the inflation numbers for headlines and mis-direction really with these electric subsidies instead of actually reducing and stopping all the high inflation we have with more sensible policies, we the people still end up paying the high electric prices through our taxes, instead of paying the electric companies directly like normal with these government subsidies we pay the government to pay the electric companies and just that practice alone creates extra costs for Australians too because they'll need more people and staff to form and pay these subsidies and policies when they are not needed if Labor had better policy.

    ........that is and just as an example.. if a power bill is $1000 and Gov pays $500 and you pay $500 only the $500 cost of what you the consumer pay gets classed as Australia's actual cost of electric, thus if power cost a household $500 last year and the same electric costs $1000 this year thats an official inflation rate number of 100% but if Government subsidies pay $500 of this years $1000 power the official inflation number would be Zero even though the reality is electric costs are double in this example.

    The other thing to do i suppose because some people would need extra help with the astronomical electric prices we now have would be to get the RBA to fix it's inflation calculation to reflect reality and the real price of Australian electric and other goods and services which might not be measured and/or calculated in a way that reflects reality, if the RBA can't get it's calculations and numbers correct or as correct as possible in which they actually reflect the true reality of costs of goods and services in Australia rather than some set of made up doctored numbers then what hope have they got in bringing inflation down or setting the right interest rates be it higher or lower, fudging numbers and economic reality and then setting monetary and fiscal policy based off untrue numbers doesn't seem very responsible or morally sound or ethically sound to my mind, one can't fix and reduce inflation just on paper when it's this high, people can see it everyday when they go shopping, pay rego's, insurances, taxes, petrol etc etc etc, nearly everyone i ask thinks inflation is higher than the official number, i don't think i've ever come across anyone that says inflation is less than what the official numbers say, have you?

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