Dave R and Akki (used to be Peace Akki) believe this guy might...

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    Dave R and Akki (used to be Peace Akki) believe this guy might not have been a terrorist and possibly (they are desperately praying) not a muslim.

    I'll agree on the first point, but the odds are against them on the second point.

    The reason I agree on the first point is that not every Muslim murderer is a terrorist - it demonstrates that a Muslim does not need to be (defined) a terrorist to yell Allahu Akhbar and murder someone - fair enough, but...

    ...that is a very scary thought - the fact that random garden variety (non-terrorist) Muslims have been shown (at an increasing rate) to be taking up arms like their terrorist brothers and acting out randomly in the name of their god.

    This is what their Quran is responsible for - it appears that many are not equipped to cope with the vitriol, filth and evil instruction proffered in this recipe book of horror...

    ...therefore, the mental/nutcase excuse is ultimately used instead.

    In summary, with such murderous activity repeated globally ad-nauseum, the following choices are offered by the PC as to what the accused was:

    a/ a terrorist - and therefore not a true muslim
    b/ a nutjob - often also described as not a true muslim

    the choice demanded by the PC that the accused WAS NOT, but which is of course more and more common and likely that the accused WAS:

    c/ a garden variety muslim

    Back to the book, it needs to be banned, closely followed by many of the Islamic teachers/preachers!!!
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