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“AIMR”)QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REVIEWfor the period ended 30 June...

  1. 1,061 Posts.
    for the period ended 30 June 2007
    • New Directors appointed, including Victor Bradley as
    Non-Executive Chairman, William D. Cash as Non-
    Executive Director and Denise Lindfield as Company
    • Fund raising program was initiated through the
    proposed allocation of 75,067,000 units and
    166,933,000 escrow receipts, each at A$0.31, for
    anticipated gross proceeds of A$75,020,000.
    PERKOA, (AIM Resources)
    • Development of the Perkoa Zinc Project continued with
    key approval contracts now established including:
    o Mill, flotation cells and thickeners – Outotec
    (formerly Outokumpu Technology);
    o Ore Crushers - Sandvik;
    o 6MW Power Station - AG Delmas, subsidiary of
    o Perkoa fuel facility - Shell Oil;
    o Site offices and accommodation - National and
    o Letters of Intent have been signed by Votorantim,
    Xstrata and Boliden
    • Banlaw Africa completed the box cut and construction
    of the underground access portal is underway together
    with the site preparation for the processing plant
    • Also under construction by Banlaw Africa, is a 7km
    road link, for the transport of zinc concentrates which
    includes bush clearing for laying 20km of water pipeline
    from the Sebuon Dam.
    MUMBWA, (AIM Resources / BHP Billiton Joint Venture)
    • Drill intersections from Mumbwa Copper-Gold Project
    in Zambia, yielding 655.4m @ 0.46 Copper including:
    o 317m @ 0.79% copper,
    o 18m @ 0.20g/t gold,
    o 42m @ 2.01% copper, including
    o 4m @ 5.56% copper.
    • Phase 1 drilling results were interpreted and integrated
    with previous geophysical data to implement Phase 2
    follow up core drilling program.
    Additional Directors were appointed to the Board during the quarter, providing corporate strength
    through a wide spectrum of knowledge and experience, which complement the Companies
    objectives. This reflects the Company’s move towards becoming a metal producing mining
    company. Individual qualities will provide valuable input to assist into the growth of the Company.
    The Board of Directors now consist of:
    Victor Bradley, CA, Non Executive Chairman, - Chairman, Yamana Gold (founder
    Yamana Resources Inc.), Director/Officer of several TSX listed companies for over 35
    years; Controller, Cominco Ltd. and CFO, McIntyre Mines. Vic has held a variety of
    financial and executive positions in mining and exploration companies.
    Marc Flory, Managing Director - Graduate and Post Graduate Degree in Geology and
    Economics. With over 30 years experience in mining and finance, Marc has held senior
    positions at Goldfields, JCI, CIBC, Citibank and AMP. At the AMP, Marc managed
    Australia's largest Resources Private Capital Fund.
    Louis Mnguni, Non Executive Director - Graduate and Post Graduate in Philosophy. With
    degrees in Sociology, Philosophy and Politics and extensive experience in diplomacy and
    government, Louis brings extensive experience of African affairs at a senior level, as a
    member of South Africa’s diplomatic corp. with current responsibilities across Africa.
    William D. Cash, Non Executive Director - With over 20 years experience and
    qualifications in banking, commercial and marketing, Bill has vast experience in base
    metals and concentrates. His experience encompasses sales, marketing, shipping and
    logistics, product handling, sales contract administration, feasibilities and marketing
    strategies for new mine projects. He has previously worked for MIM and Lisheen Zinc
    Cash & Investments
    As at 30 June 2007, AIM Resources had A$11.8 million in cash, at call deposits and share market
    Issued Capital
    As at 30 June 2007 the Company had:
    • 766,657,985 ordinary shares on issue;
    • Plus 75,067,000 ordinary shares pending issue;
    • 133,766,073 listed options at a strike price of 10 cents, expiring 30 June 2009;
    • 18,000,000 performance rights expiring 30 November 2008;
    • 37,533,500 unlisted options pending issue at a strike price of 45 cents, expiring 28
    September 2010; and
    • 215,318,000 Escrow Receipts pending issue.
    A capital fund raising program was initiated throughout the quarter, with the proposed allocation of
    75,067,000 units and 166,933,000 escrow receipts, each at A$0.31. It is anticipated that gross
    proceeds of A$75,020,000 would be raised.
    Each Unit is comprised of one ordinary share and one half of an ordinary share purchase warrant.
    Each Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one ordinary share for an exercise price of
    A$0.45 expiring 28 September 2010. Each Escrow Receipt will be exercisable for no additional
    consideration into a Unit upon satisfaction of the specified Escrow Release Conditions (which
    includes obtaining approval of shareholders in accordance with ASX Listing Rules and meeting
    other regulatory requirements).
    Westwind Partners Inc. acted as lead agent for a syndicate including Cormark Securities Inc., and
    was granted an option to sell an additional A$15,000,000 of Escrow Receipts at the Offering Price,
    exercisable at any time prior to 30 days after closing of the Offering. The first part of the Offering
    closed on 5 July 2007.
    ► PERKOA ZINC PROJECT, BURKINA FASO (AIM Resources Limited100%)
    The Perkoa Zinc Project progressed significantly during the quarter, with the project plan being
    refined and approval of key contracts being finalised.
    The construction of the box cut was completed at a target depth of 35 metres, by Banlaw Africa,
    allowing construction of the underground access portal into hard rock to commence. Also, site
    preparation is underway for construction of the processing plant and facilities which includes:
    • The Perkoa Mill, Floatation Cells and Thickener units sourced from Outotec (formerly
    Outokumpu Technology). Delivery is expected late in 2007 well ahead of schedule thus
    reducing lead times and avoiding any steel price increases;
    • The Crushing and grinding units sourced from Sandvik;
    • A 6MW Power Station was sourced from Caterpillar subsidiary, AG Delmas, and will power
    the camp, mine and process plant;
    Shell Oil was contracted to build, operate and manage the Perkoa fuel facility, which will provide
    fuel for the underground mining operations, process plant and power station
    The construction of site offices, accommodation and change room amenities commenced during
    the quarter by National and Overseas, a modular housing construction company. These facilities
    will provide for approximately 100 personnel that will be on site. Additional accommodation was
    contracted from the nearby town of Reo, to house contractors whilst the camp is being built.
    The Company’s on site project team continued the following activities:
    • Review of mine plan and schedule;
    • Recruitment of project staff;
    • Preparation an allocation of project budget; and
    • Ongoing exploration proximal to the Perkoa deposit, with the current programme targeting a
    total of 11 holes for 3600m.
    Perkoa Zinc – Finance & Concentrate Off-take Arrangements
    During the quarter, the Company executed a fund raising of A$75,020,000 through the allocation of
    75,067,000 units and 166,933,000 escrow receipts. It is proposed the net proceeds of the private
    placement will be used for funding the ongoing exploration and development of the Perkoa Zinc
    Mine as well as other exploration purposes and general corporate purposes.
    Through out the quarter, the Company considered various concentrate off-take proposals, and
    letter of intent have been signed by three off-take partners including by Votorantim, Xstrata and
    Boliden. This marks a significant role in the development of the Perkoa Zinc Project, and first zinc
    delivery of concentrate is anticipated to be in late 2008.
    Perkoa Zinc - Project Background
    The Perkoa Zinc Project is located in the Sanguie Province of Burkina Faso, 120km west of the
    capital Ouagadougou. The project is 35km by road from the country's third largest town,
    Koudougou, which is linked to neighbouring states of Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo by bitumen
    sealed roads and by rail to Abidjan, capital of Cote d’Ivoire.
    Snowden Mining Consultants completed a Bankable Feasibility Study (“BFS”) on the Perkoa Zinc
    Project in December 2005.
    Perkoa has a JORC-compliant Ore Reserve of 6.3 million tonnes at a mine head grade of 14.5%
    zinc, equating to 907,679 tonnes of contained zinc metal.
    The BFS incorporates a mine design consisting of a shaft and decline to access the ore body,
    ramping up to deliver 0.5 million tonnes per annum of ore. A simple processing facility comprises a
    crushing circuit followed by dense media separation, milling and flotation, resulting in the
    production of 116,000 tonnes per annum of relatively clean concentrate, grading 53% Zinc over a
    14 year mine life.
    In the BFS, the processing plant infrastructure includes a tailings dam facility incorporating a
    return/storm water dam for capture and re-use in the processing plant. The main source of
    process water will be from the Sebuon dam that was recently constructed by the Burkina Faso
    Government, close to the Perkoa Zinc Project. Power will be provided by on-site 6MW, diesel
    generators sourced from AG Delmas, a subsidiary of Caterpillar.
    The BFS addressed the project’s transportation requirements by recommending two of the
    alternatives available. The first route uses the rail line situated 30km from the Perkoa Zinc Project
    and passing through the neighbouring country of Cote D’Ivoire to the Port of Abidjan. The second
    route uses road transport alternatives passing through Ghana to the Port of Tema.
    Perkoa Zinc Project – Financial Analysis Summary
    1. The current (25 July 2007) spot zinc price is approximately US$3,610/tonne.
    2. Smelting charges and deductions have been estimated based on recent benchmark
    transactions, but in the opinion of the Company’s Board and management are likely to be
    improved upon given the continued strong demand for zinc concentrates from smelters.
    3. Revenues and costs have been calculated on an unescalated basis.
    4. NPV and IRR estimates are on an ungeared basis.
    ► MUMBWA COPPER-GOLD PROJECT (AIM Resources / BHP Billiton Joint Venture)
    The Company completed Phase 1 of the 2006/2007 drilling campaign on the Mumbwa Iron Oxide-
    Copper-Gold (IOCG) property in Zambia. Eight holes were drilled to test a number of geophysical
    targets outlined in the integrated datasets.
    The results from 7 of these holes are in line with historical results from previous drilling in the area.
    Results from the eighth hole, drillhole S36, intersected a considerable thickness of mineralisation,
    over most of its length, with discrete intervals of higher grade mineralisation. The intercepts of this
    hole yielded 655.4m @ 0.46 copper including:
    • 317m @ 0.79% copper,
    • 18m @ 0.20g/t gold,
    • 42m @ 2.01% copper, including
    • 4m @ 5.56% copper.
    Drilled to a total depth of 697.4 metres, Drillhole S36 was inclined at 70 degrees and targeted a
    geophysical feature with a strike length of 2.4km, as outlined on gravity and radiometric datasets.
    The hole intersected variably altered syenite, quartz porphry and hematitic breccias. Green
    copper-phosphate was observed from 172m to 305m depth and some thin veins and blebs of
    pyrite/chalcopyrite occur from 280m depth. Massive hematite replacement with abundant pyrite
    and trace amounts of chalcopyrite were intersected from 640m to the end of hole.
    BFS Zinc Price at
    16 December 2005
    Zinc Price at
    30 June 2007
    Zinc price - London Metals Exchange US$1815/tonne US$3561/tonne
    In-ground Zinc Metal Value US$1.5bn US$3.0bn
    Total Revenue US$1.3bn US$2.5bn
    Total Net Operating Pre-Tax Cash Flow US$529.4m US$570m
    Net Present Value (NPV)
    @ 10% discount rate (post tax) US$148m US$318m
    NPV per AIM Resources ordinary share A$0.32/share A$0.41/share
    Internal Rate of Return (IRR) (post tax) 43% 38%
    Establishment Capital Cost US$72.5m US$135
    Average Cash Operating Costs
    (including transport to port):
    US$ per ROM tonne
    US$ per pound zinc in concentrate
    US$53.5/ tonne
    US$0.18/ pound
    A second phase of the drilling campaign is planned, with MSA Geoservices being consulted by the
    Company to supervise drilling of additional cored holes. It is expected that over 10,000m of drilling
    planned from 15 holes and includes the collection of approximately 4000 samples.
    Project Background
    The Mumbwa Copper-Gold Project lies within a known mineralised iron oxide copper-gold (“IOCG”)
    terrain in west central Zambia and covers nearly 5,200 km2 and containing numerous prospects.
    The project area is prospective for iron oxide copper-gold (“IOCG”) deposits similar to the world
    class examples of Olympic Dam (South Australia) and Ernest Henry (Queensland).
    IOCG deposits can be described as comprising a broad clan of mineralization styles which, as the
    name implies, are grouped together chiefly because they contain hydrothermal magnetite and/or
    hematite as major accompaniments to copper and gold mineralisation. These deposits are known
    to host significant mineralisation and, apart from copper and by-product gold, appreciable amounts
    of cobalt, uranium, rare earth elements, molybdenum, zinc and silver may also be present. They
    can also be very large and the iron-rich zones, breccias and alteration halos associated with IOCG
    systems can reach hundreds of metres in width and many kilometres in length.
    Drilling will focus initially on the Kitumba region, where drilling by BHP Billiton in the mid to late
    1990s encountered significant mineralisation in eight of nine drillholes over a strike length of
    approximately 6km. However, this historical drilling tested areas peripheral to the targets indicated
    by the recent interpretation of new FalconTM data. A key drill target is a major feature (800m wide
    with a 2.4km long, north-south strike) which corresponds with a strong uranium anomaly along an
    exposed ridge at the Kitumba region. This feature has not been drill tested previously, except by
    drillhole KD3 in the extreme north, which intersected 60m at 0.6% copper and 0.11 g/t gold.
    AIM Resources is earning a 70% interest the Mumbwa Copper-Gold Project from BHP Billiton and
    is budgeting to spend US$1.2 million on the project during 2006/07.
    3D Geophysical Interpretation of FalconTM Data
    The FalconTM survey over the Mumbwa Copper-Gold Project, covering an area of roughly 50km x
    40km, offers a high resolution dataset for which it is appropriate to undertake detailed analysis. It
    has been demonstrated from BHP Billiton’s internal interpretation work carried out on Olympic Dam
    (South Australia) that it may be possible to discriminate the major mineralised systems in an IOCG
    province using 3D inversion of regional gravity and magnetic data.
    AIM Resources has been able to draw on the expertise of BHP Billiton and their proprietary SolidEarthTM
    software to undertake direct 3D inversion of this FalconTM gravity gradient, magnetic and radiometric data.
    The result is improved 3D inversion models, which are then analysed using SolidEarthTM neural network
    techniques to highlight zones of anomalism. The data was inverted on a 100m lateral and 25m vertical
    resolution, with models extending to approximately 2km below surface. With this approach, dense
    bodies that lie adjacent to or even proximal to magnetic zones are also considered to be valid IOCG
    This work generated eleven high-priority targets which eight were tested by the current drilling
    campaign. The remaining 3 holes were drilled however, 2 holes were abandoned after the first
    hole on that anomaly yielded disappointing results, and poor drilling progress precluded drilling of
    the final drill hole before heavy seasonal rains started and drilling was suspended.
    New order mining rights were implemented for the 100% owned Mokopane Nickel-Platinum
    Project, however the Company’s was focussed on progressing the Perkoa and Mumbwa Projects as
    a priority. A proposed drilling program to extend the existing resource at Mokopane was planned,
    however given the Company’s focus on progressing the Perkoa and Mumbwa Projects, AIM
    Resources is considering various alternatives to create value from the project at a time of historically
    high platinum and nickel prices.
    The Mokopane Nickel-Platinum Project area comprises 960 hectares on the northern limb of the
    Bushveld Igneous Complex. Mokopane comprises five known mineralised areas with 15,330
    metres of exploration drilling having been concentrated primarily on southern portion of projects.
    Infrastructure is excellent and the project is well located being immediately south of Robert
    Friedland’s African Minerals Platreef Project and along strike from Anglo Platinum’s producing
    Potgietersrust Platinum (PP Rust) operation.
    The information in the Perkoa BFS report as it relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based on information
    compiled by Mr Graham Greenway who is a Member of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Mr
    Greenway is employed by Snowden Mining Consultants. Mr Greenway has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style
    of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent
    Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
    Ore Reserves”.
    The information in the Perkoa BFS report as it relates to Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Dag Kullmann
    who is a Member of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Kullmann is employed by Snowden Mining
    Consultants. Mr Kullmann has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
    consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
    “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr. Kullmann consents to the
    inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
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