and that has what to do with Anna? she was premier from 2015 oh...

  1. 88,188 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    and that has what to do with Anna?

    she was premier from 2015

    oh right - you just want the emotional troll from her picture - going back to sales from 18 years ago

    but, yes - I'm one for government owning assets - not selling assets

    in particular, energy, water, public transport, hospitals etc.

    Australia has gone on the follow of failed overseas privatisation ---

    and yes, that's very much partly Labor fault - Keating was very much for privatisation

    unfortunately, Australian business has zero interest in the nation, zero interest in quality service - it will provide only what it has to - as long as it max's profit

    Australia is the wrong country for privatisation - a land full of thieves and scammers who are only in business for self gain - not for country -

    my guess is that it's a result of dumping crims on a big island and letting them breed and run the place

    what could we have expected otherwise?
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