question for computer geeks , page-4

  1. 174 Posts.
    Hey Grahod,

    There is no hard and fast way of determining what has been downloaded onto your machine as there are a myriad of events that may cause downloads/uploads.

    I suppose first of all what i would need to know is if the 650mb was actually upload or download as this makes a huge difference on possible causes.

    If your not sure then most ISP's ( Internet Service Providers ) will have a website that should give you a breakdown on whether it was an upload or download.

    650mb is quite a lot but it could be as an example a windows update but only if... and i must point out ONLY if you (a) bought a new machine and installed an older version of windows that needed to do reinstall a lot of updates ( eg original version of windows and it would need to do a mass amount of updates... or even the original version of vista may have updates near this mark )

    (b)possibly doing a restore point back to a certain date can cause ALL your programs that update ( java, media player, anti-virus software, online game and upteenth other programs that you may have installed to update as well )...

    Now i can literally list hundreds of different things that may be causing the upload/download ranging from peer to peer program accidently left on to someone hacking your computer either via the net or via wireless if you have it on or a huge amount of spam emails coming thru to spyware keyloggers keeping track of any keyboard inputs to spyware trojans uploading info from your machine...

    I suppose the most important thing at this stage is the ratio of download to upload... eg : how much of that 650mb was upload and how much of it was download.

    There are also certain functions in dos ( also called the command prompt ) like the "netstat" command that certainly may help in trying to solve your mysterious 650mb or going to your download folder to see if anything has recently been downloaded as they have date and time stamps on each file.
    Anyway... getting a little of track here so let me know about ratio of upload to download and we will go from there
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