So, I am hiring a worksite office (like you see on building...

  1. 27,240 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 701
    So, I am hiring a worksite office (like you see on building sites) and having it placed at someones house (that I will pay them a fee) and their family member will rent the room from me.
    Doing it this way as the person couldnt afford the costs incurred upfront.
    So my question is how would it be classified? I am not renting a house, or subletting a room in a house.
    I am renting the room, it is bigger than a caravan is (that in SA you cant have anyone reside in) 6 m x 3 m room

    It has taken a lot of wrangling through the council but I have obtained all neccessary approvals. The person will apply for rent assistance through centrelink.
    I wonder what it would come under , and what documentation I would need. It will be revenue neutral for me as I am doing it to help someone out , but I need to record it accurately so they get the rent concession
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