Question Time, page-12

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The Government is ducking and weaving on the issue of Brandis and the Human Rights Commissioner.

    They know this is going to be damaging and are trying to turn the focus away from the question of inducement which if proven is a serious offence.

    I noted in the last question to the PM he took a while to start responding. The body language is telling the story.

    Julie Bishop who is more astute even had trouble dealing with the issue. She is probably not happy that Brandis has created a situation.

    The reality is its a shambles and those here pretending that somehow its Abbott winning the brownie points in parliament against Shorten are just expressions of their own bias. The facts speak for themselves. More people prefer Shorten for than Abbott and Labor is well in front in the polls. So its delusional from those here to say otherwise. Its also delusional for them to slate the most popular politician in the land in Malcolm Turnbull and today we even have the spectacle of one of these abbott lovers attacking John Howard.

    Shorten is now slating the PM in a motion and abbott trying to stop discussion by claiming the use of un-parliamentary words such as "lying". This from the man who harangued Julia Gillard in the most vicious of terms and words. Unbelievable!!!
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