These useless Government reports mean zip. When will we ever get...

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    These useless Government reports mean zip. When will we ever get the truth? Never is when!

    Their reports read the big bad "Delta" variant is sooo dangerous and nasty...really? They also tell us that the bug affects young people, a handful of people in the 20's are in ICU being ventilated.

    Pray tell...were these people healthy? Or did they have compromises already...such as Asthma, for example, or some other respiratory disease that they may even have even been taking medication for?

    How many of the "positive cases" discovered are actually sick? Why report 156 "cases" discovered if most of them either didn't know they were even infected,. or were experiencing no more than a runny nose or cough?

    It's BS of the biggest order...we are being lied to and our lives turned upside down by power mad bureaucrats who have often never held and real job in many cases, and really don't give a damn, except for their own Political future.

    ...and by the way, i am in my 60's had my first `AZ jab 6 weeks ago and never felt a thing, not even the jab and zero effects afterwards. My better half has had both her Pfizer jabs, zero after effects.
    I will be happily and gladly getting my second AZ jab in a few weeks...I may even consider a Pfizer one after that for good measure. if it is a good idea to receive regular update injections I will be in line too.

    i am also not "frightened" of this bug like so many people appear to be, if I ever get what, just get over it! I have never had the Flu in my life, a few bad colds but that's it. I do not get annual Fl\u shots either, never have.

    Governments have spent billions of dollars, pounds and euros in a short space of time researching testing and refining the vaccinations currently in use against this Chinese invented virus. There will always be new potions found that will work better or are more efficient in creating the antibodies necessary to fight these new bugs as they arrive.

    The Flu vaccination does not stop you getting the Flu, but it might reduce the effects. Same with these covid vaccinations, they maybe won't stop you getting the virus, but it may well reduce the effects.

    So I think I'll just take a punt with the vaccination process with this one and be vaccinated, as it might well prevent me passing on a bug to a very susceptible unvaccinated person one day leading to their untimely death...

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