Question: What sources do you use for day trading news? And Risk Management, page-2

  1. 17,185 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 600
    Wow man, you don't ask much do you, lol,

    That's like asking what's in the presidents book, what's on page 47? Lol

    Okay first thing , this is not financial advice,

    1 Google turtle traders,

    2 follow turtle traders rules, until you get it wrong,

    3 go back and re read turtle traders until you get it right,

    4 turtle traders rules, buy high, sell higher,

    5 turtle traders are not investors, they are traders, like me, however, I modified turtle traders rules so I invest in companies that will,

    A) invest in mergers and takeovers,

    B) pay me a dividend,

    6 never ever believe the story, buy on rumor sell on fact,

    7 work out were the top is for the company in its current economic cycle, I worked it out so can you, do you want 100% 200%, your kidding yourself if you think your going to have a lotto win from the share market,

    8 take what you have , when you get it, it's not going higher, and I know it, you need to know it,

    9 don't buy stocks going down, it's going down because it's going down,

    10 buy stocks going up, examples are, IPB, PCL, APT,

    11 be prepared to lose everything you've got, your going to have to start all over again, because you didn't listen,

    12 I'm not kidding,

    13 good luck, your going to need it,

    14 btw, start with $1000.00 that's pretty easy to lose, if you start with $50,000.00, just might as well just give it to me, I'll make you happy, the market will ake you cry,

    15 when you can turn your money into $ 367,000.15 cents,, inside 2 years, then you will be classed as a guru,

    16 always, I mean always carry a stick to poke into the hornets nest, you'll get stung a few times, but it doesn't hurt one bit after a while,

    17 good luck, and may the share God's smile on you,

    18 we've got a significant market crash coming, so I hope you are prepared,

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