question without notice

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Just curious -

    but what is the OFFICIAL Centrelink attitude to women who, on so-called religious grounds, I allege are in many cases resorting to the niqab (full face veil), head scarf, and burqa - head to toe coverage - as an excuse for not being made to go out and look for employment.

    Would any employer refusing any wearers of such gear be able to be accused of discrimination in openly refusing to employ a woman in such dress? Assuming that they applied in th first place- which is doubtful.

    Is a Muslim woman under full niqab/burqa ALLOWED by her menfolk to attend ANY workplace? Health and safety? "Uncontrollable" Aussie males??

    If a Catholic - could a nun b expected to gain (say) a secretarial job in full nun's habit? Not much hope do you think?

    Is the wearing of such dress the deliberate resort/
    I can't go to work because" refuge of those, very comfortable on welfare, who wish to therefore exempt themselves permanently from the scrutiny of the Centrelink hounding others have to endure, with regard to having to constantly be seen to be looking for work (and having to prove it clerically). Are their husbands/families compliant in this - it being some deliberate ruse to dodge scrutiny or responsibility to be self reliant? Preferring the ease of automatic, non-pursuant welfare benefits!

    Just a bit tired of this seeming one rule for some - and another for others laissez faire within our welfare system.

    Having a young relative who does the right thing - tries for work - cannot get it - yet is required to front up to Centrelink for quizzing - frequently, and personallly - travelling a long way to do so. Otherwise - all benefits cut!

    Do I still have the democratic right to ask such questions?
    As is my right as a citizen, re. Centrelink rulings? Without being howled down with the usual "racist" slurs? Probably not, the way things stand these days - political correctness now being rampantly de rigeur.

    How dare I!
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