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Originally posted by Barolobill
As I mentioned in a previous post, AQQ haven't had this much cash since 2011!
The environment that AQQ inhabits is different this time around. Gold is in the early stages of a new bull, in AUD terms it's at all time highs (not adjusted for inflation) and costs are back to normal after the 'boom'.
The board is new too, so let's hope this team does a better job than the last!
One thing I'm quite certain of is that they won't spend a cent unless it has the potential to add value for shareholders.
They need to come up with a clear plan to dig up and process the refractory ore at a reasonable cost. If the Beer & Co report is correct, finding $60mill sounds achievable in this market, given the reserves and location.
Just wondering if you contacted Peter yet? Or are you waiting till they release the Annual Report. It mat pre-empt some lagging questions for all holders.