quo vadis, mining srvices sector?, page-3

  1. 801 Posts.
    is australia… in the same boat as europe?
    That the Australian economy may be in trouble will not be news to FT Alphaville readers.
    We’ve been warning (http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2012/08/22/1127671/australias-capex-cliff/) for a good while that the country is uniquely exposed to the commodity super-cycle, an overvalued currency, a real-estate bubble, not to mention the Chinese slowdown.
    Yet what we may have overlooked is the remarkable similarity between Australia’s external finance position and that of the European periphery, a point now being made the analyst team at Variant Perception — a boutique research analysis shop.

    + MORE UNDER POSTS 're: economists weigh a chinese hard landing'+'re:a billionaire's bet- video' + 're:gold' + 'what the economic crisis really means-video' + 're:crisis could be over in 1-2 years' + 're:economy' + 're:warning after mining boom is over' + 're:china bubble burst:gold bubble read' + 're:whoever said mining boom is over is a clown' + 're:everyone is slamming australia' n others too- many articles and videos there showing whole integrated world is in a mess
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