I dont hunt but I do collect firearms. In the course of...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I dont hunt but I do collect firearms. In the course of retaining my license I need to go to club shoots. I meet a certain type of element at these events. Most are gentlemen but some are hard core nut jobs.

    I have mainly disdain for people who shoot pigs and get covered in blood and let loose dogs onto these poor animals and watch the cranage.

    I put these people into the boof head moron category. Revolting, but then again we do have the lower classes.

    Its the other type of hunter, the rich professional bordering on a type of dangerous mental illness. These people who pitt themselves against a huge beast whilst holding a 100,000 dollar double rifle scare the crap out of me.

    People who are trying to prove some sort of dominance or worse still, a lust for killing and then showing off a head mounted on a wall in their library. This proving of oneself as the big hunter comes from those "be the best you can be" idiots. This dentist apparently used a cross bow. What a sicko. Obviously trying to compensate for his small dingus. Most hunters value the humane kill. There is no humane kill with a bolt fom a cross bow.

    Throw this clown to the lions.
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