I love you guys. Anti Anglo Saxon ?? a bit rich comming from...

  1. 831 Posts.
    I love you guys. Anti Anglo Saxon ?? a bit rich comming from lynch mobs who did not care to check the facts instead bought the whole deal from the media and the 'victims' and a careless court that this was racially inspired and the work of 'Lebanese'. I did not raise the race issue. I merely responded to it and to the posters on the forum who raised the issues of non Anglo Saxons and what ought to be done to them etc. lets not suffer from amnesia suddenly because it is Sunday now.

    I enjoy detailed arguments because it demands a detailed response. I also equally enjoy the other issues raised in defence when a protagonist suddenly does not like a rebuttal where his/ her race or gender suddenly becomes an issue as well.

    But sad to say I do agree that China and Tibet and India with its slaughter of Muslims and lower castes is an embarrassment (because I am descended of both peoples, born and educated in a pristine, disciplined Irish Catholic school in Malaysia then to the UK to study further).

    All of whats raised in relation to these issues even though unrelated and irrelevant to the point of the Lebanese rape arguments raised before I resopnded
    have factual content. But since when did superior white anglo saxons derive their morality from chinese, Indians, Africans and Arabs??

    Lets stick to our standards. Lets not fall to the level of crimnials however low they are. In doing so we become like them and lose any moral ground from which to sustain and uphold the laws which protect us in the end.

    Cheech does not like fast food. It gives you piles, blood pressure, diabetes and heart trouble. I prefer to give these out to my adversaries than for an inanimate article like a burger to do it to me.

    have a good meal and an even better Sunday.
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