Sarcophagus......................"as we speak the western...

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "as we speak the western governments are becoming more and more 'communist' - no need to point out examples, it should be evident enough as to what the agendas are."


    The main game is control, nothing else.


    "morality does not change like fashon.
    you know within yourself if you are being true to yourself and what your heart knows (not belief)."


    True personal morality doesn't change. Do unto others is a timeless universal precept."Promoted morality" by elites is simply means to an end and may change from year to year as the needs change and people have to be swayed this way or that. As you mention ancient Greece, and all the rumpy pumpying of boys,perhaps that was a more genuine cultural practice than whatever gets promoted in our society, where almost everything is either manipulation for political purposes or for commercial reasons. I'm not sure but the latest fashion for gay marriage(along with a lot of things over the past 20 or 39 years) IMO is just about marginalising traditional family structures.


    "we may do stupid, foolish, or bad things out of ignorance - a deeper definition of morality is the realization that engaging in such activities (and yes, context is a consideration) provides no significant benifit for oneself or others, but rather creates significant suffering for oneself and others, and then acting accordingly"

    Perhaps along the lines that ultimately there is no evil, merely ignorance?

    ""capitalism" allows the most wealthy to buy up everything, as in the game of monopoly, it should be quite obvious that the two isms, essentially, have the potential to create the same result(s)."


    Real capitalism, as opposed to crony capitalism as is practiced in the west, the US included, would have to be self limiting.First thing for a budding "capitalist" to do is to find a nice set of regulations to hide behind to limit real competition and hopefully gain a semi monopoly.

    Didn't JD Rockerfella say"competition is sin"?


    "however, nice to see that we agree on some important things"


    We probably agree on more than is apparent, given the medium we are communicating in. One can't writes 5000 word nuanced posts every ten minutes so things tend to get reduced to blunt basics.


    "probably should have left this thread alone - i just didn't agree with the application and portrayal of the word "radical" as something necessarily bad
    although there is no record of him firebombing, you could have called jesus a radical:"


    Glad that you didn't leave this thread alone, I always appreciate your perspective even if I don't always agree.
    To me there are real radicals and faux radicals. All to do with motivation IMO.
    Jesus and Buddha and for some reason comes to mind Giordano Bruno and many others were real radicals as opposed to self absorbed "radicals" whose main aim appears to be excitement, drugs and picking up groupies.


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