Rally To Free Julian Assange., page-3

  1. 10,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Break the Silence on the Danger Facing Julian Assange !

    This article explains why the leaderships of an entire layer of political degenerates have abandoned Julian Assange. The ACTU, the Greens, and other fake left outfits, the editors and news directors of most Australian newspapers and television stations, hundreds of "liberal personalities", Orson and other fake liberals, fall over themselves as they rush to abandon and slander Assange.

    They only succeed in covering themselves with there own excrement for all to see. They hate Julian Assange because he is a courageous and principled Australian who has exposed the lies of the media and governments around the world. He does the job which journalists around the world have abandoned, exposing government war crimes, lies and hypocricy . They only want us to read the degenerate war propaganda of the Guardian and Daily telegraph.

    But hey, who needs "friends" like that anyway. They stand shoulder to shoulder with Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions, the CIA and the Pentagon who want to silence whistle blowers and independent journalists.

    We call on everyone who supports free speech and democracy to defend Julian Assange.

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