random attacks/murders getting worse

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    Modern society is breeding many young people who appear to be immune and numbed to the impact of violence.

    Back in August, 22 year old Australian up and coming baseballer Christopher Lane was gunned down by three teenagers who apparently targeted him at random to break up the monotony of an Oklahoma summer.

    We regularly read and hear about random shootings, often by young males.

    And now one of the latest crazes is the "Knockout" game aka one hitter quitter - played by teenagers and adolescents - often involving a random King Hit with the poor victim being totally unsuspecting (and a taser variant is evolving).

    Obviously we can point to many possible triggers for young males (mainly). I would be laying a lot of the blame on a number of combined factors:

    - lack of strict parenting (especially lack of boundaries and morals)
    - desensitising and conditioning caused by modern video games
    - social media is taking away the all important physical socialising skills

    I'd also lay a lot of blame on the damage caused by the Political Correct lobby that has all but hamstrung the ability of our police and court systems to do whatever they have to do to dish out serious punishment on offenders. Bring back the days when the Police was a "force" and cops were able to dish out suitable punishment on selected offenders without fear of being sued.

    May as well throw in inability for many youths to manage their alcohol.








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