
  1. 685 Posts.
    Repost...while i'm on the soapbox..

    Truth and justice,,,,we learn from our leaders don't we. The America that gleaned so much respect for foreign policy at the close of WW2 has degenerated into an introspective, self anylising basket case many times since. Self interested, self serving, devious and even dishonest at times. Just like you and me! I don't know if the U.S can regain the integrity that created so many high profile and respected Americaphiles, but I sure hope that is their goal. Multimedia lowers the bar in a way, where we can say, "shame on you". Without the weight of responsibility of making a tough call in the field, who of us can say they would act any differently. It is in the calibre of our leaders that these mistakes will be avoided and there we come to the real issue.......

    Rudd was a fool, Gillard is a fool, Abbott is a fool....what have we as a democracy done....to deserve the quality and calibre of the politicians we are forced to elect! Is it the media? Is it the pay? Is it the process? Whatever it is...It needs fixen!

    Grumpy old man.
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