rate hike on. lord terence mccrann calls it, page-23

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    jokers, I could never be bothered with those vouchers, and I would have had to go way out of my normal route to find the servo's...
    recently I went to one of their servos, instead of my usual normal ss....
    I pay on average 1.34 litre for the past year
    the price at that special voucher servo was 1.38
    I rest my case...
    regarding the CPI figures...the energy, electricty companies cost rises, together with food prices must be the biggest factor in the cost increases....
    we have no control over them, I consider those items the basics most of us must consume....
    what should we do,
    ride a bike, do not eat, do not use electricity...
    the rba and banks hike the rates....in a monopoly
    its all a huge farce...
    together with unemployment figures.....if you work one hour a fortniught, you are considered employed
    ppfftt...fudging to make the figures look good, so the mushrooms feel good about the economy

    grant samual and the price control fiasco....the supermarkets have raised all their other prices by over 6% in the past year....but the price of milk was dropped, to wipe out the dairy farmers....and samual thinks there is nothing wrong with the 2 major food retailers...

    I just see so much corruption and cover ups on every level, is there no honest people left out there in fairy land
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