Latest JMA Data Show France, Ireland And Finland Have Cooled In...

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    Latest JMA Data Show France, Ireland And Finland Have Cooled In March, No Warming!
    Despite rising levels of CO2 raw data ( not the BOM fiddled with type ) shows no global warming over decades.
    So even the mild less than 1 deg C rise since 1950 is man made by continual adjustments of BOM and NOAA rather than a product of the large increase in co2.
    We are destroying our societies ,except for China , India and Africa for no reason other than to control society while the purveyors of replaceable energies like Kerry, Turnbull family and many politicians are enriched.

    Reposted from the NoTricksZone
    By P Gosselin on 30. April 2021
    By Kirye
    and Pierre Gosselin
    Global warming is supposed to mean a shorter winter, and thus we should expect a March warming trend for the northern hemisphere.
    Today we look at the latest March data now available from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) for France, Ireland and Finland.
    As we have seen in other countries, the untampered JMA data show that the month of March has not warmed in these countries in decades.
    30 years of March cooling in France
    First we plot the mean temperature data for the surface stations in France for which the JMA has sufficient (untampered) data – going back more than 3 decades:

    Data source: JMA.
    As the above chart shows, only three of the 12 stations plotted show any warming for the month of March. Nine of 12 stations show cooling or no meaningful trend. So also in France spring appears to have been coming a bit over the past three decades.
    Ireland – 4 decades of March cooling
    Next we plot the mean temperature for the stations in Ireland, also for which the JMA has sufficient data, going back close to four decades.
    Ireland is particularly interesting due to its location in the Northeast Atlantic, and so can tell us what impacts oceanic cycles could be having:

    . Data source: JMA.
    And that impact seems to be a wee bit of cooling. Five of six stations in Ireland show cooling, or flat. CO2 is definitely not driving the climate there.

    Also as in Greta Thunberg’s Sweden, Finland’s winters are not getting shorter. The data there show no warming in March taking place in more than 30 years. Winter is taking its time leaving. Nothing is really changing. Why would this be a “crisis”?
    In summary, along with Canada, Alaska and Sweden, also Finland, France and Ireland have been showing no March warming.
    One of the coldest Aprils on record in Germany
    And finally, our friend Snowfan here reports how April, 2021, in Germany is coming in as one of the coolest since recording began in 1881.

    The global warming scam is a modelled one and does not occur where real unadjusted data is examined.
    Certainly not an immediate ,apocalyptic threat to the world as warming fraudsters would have us believe.
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