rba encourages investor risk taking

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    Here's today's headline from the Australian Financial Review: "Upgrade to shares, RBA tells savers"

    The Reserve Bank of Australia has signalled that interest rates are so low investors should shun low-earning term deposits in favour of riskier assets such as new housing and shares...

    ..Colonial First State Global Asset Management’s senior portfolio manager Naz Ressas recently said: “One of the unintended consequences of lower interest rates is investors will in their search for yield buy assets regardless of their risk.”..

    ..RBA Governor Glenn Stevens said: "Savers are facing increased incentives to look for assets with higher returns"..

    Read more here; http://afr.com/p/national/economy/upgrade_to_shares_rba_tells_savers_PcuN1r6AX1ykEOLM1nYmRI

    So even our central bank chief is encouraging investors to take on added risk by chasing higher yields. Given the global risks that clearly remain, Glenn Stevens & leading fund managers will rue these comments if investors get burnt by their newly adopted bullish positions.

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