RBA "Kills" Aussie Economy With False "Kindness"!, page-10

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5

    usc75, spot on. Even prior to covid the government was taking money out of the economy crimping demand and forcing the RBA to resort to monetary policy (int rates) to offset. Effectively, benefitting the FIRE sectors, the wealthy/investment class and damning the rest. Stealing from savers and impoverishing the younger generations.

    God forbid that a few sheckles may find their way to Struggle Street. If they wanted to they could generate inflation quickly by ensuring money found its way into the real economy where it can be spent and not pursue this trickle down fraud. Its no secret amongst economists that it is faux economics. A rightwing political ideology in the guise of an economic theory. Inequality is the manufactured result.

    You would think after all these years and more than enough evidence, a few more mainstream economists would speak out. Why is we have to wait for them to retire to get an honest opinion?
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