Addendum Bear in mind that Dr Seuss nor any of the other former...

  1. 300 Posts.

    Bear in mind that Dr Seuss nor any of the other former posters I mentioned burst on to HC with a big reputation. They all came on as investing unknowns, as far as I know.

    Its not like any of them well known brokers or famous investors when they started posting. They were nobodies, and anonymous nobodies at that.

    Could have been teenage mental patients in in a Mongolian mental asylum.

    Yet they built a reputation from scratch and garnered respect and followers because their calls and predictions achieved an accuracy level above the norm.

    Do you think people would keep acting on their calls if every time they did, they lost money?

    I will say that the heart system should be abolished because it may give brand new HotCopper members the impression that they have trading superpowers.

    Hearts are great, for paying attention to. Not for instantly acting on what they post. If a well known heart posts something, it deserves being read and researched.

    That's all.

    Also remember this site is built, just like, to advertise assets you have for sale, in order to achieve the best price.

    If that is not what it was built for, it is certainly what it is predominantly used for, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    If you are selling your home, of course you afre going to advertise it, and of course you are going to focus on its best features, rather than its worst features.

    As long as you arent intentionally telling untruths about a stock, like claiming its PE ration is 5 when it is actually 10, and you know it is 10, there should be no complaints.
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