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re: general meeting, page-2

  1. 3,610 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 607
    re: general meeting evening all, i guess there are steps in this on the way to suspension,but we havent got any announcement yet, and so the waiting continues... i wouldnt be suprised if the suspension is posponed to a bit later date?... the longer the time it takes with the cap riasing negotiations and "talks" the better? damos can u tell me why this is? im interested to know cause i am a novice compared to you.. :)
    wouldnt the market feel even more nervous due to the waiting of cap raising, as it thinks it could be bad news as time goes by?

    either way, just like the merger announcement taking time, we got it in the end, it all looks good, too bad the market manipulated the stock down, but we can say that the directors didnt really sell which to me is good news and shows we just need patience to achieve new highs...

    it seems as though the market doesnt want to wait for the " near future with spec stocks"... in NSL's case it will only be a matter of time until it goes from spec to fundumentals, need the rest of land aquisitions, cap raising, and some positive feed back from the new mine they want to aquire.

    all looking good, i aint bothered how the market manipulates the share price a few incraments or cents down, not when there is hardly any sell or buy depth.. it will go up in the right time...

    why the upswing from 3.8 to 6c? it couldnt of been " all of a sudden lets just go up 2c.... with that million share buyer, there is something in around...

    waiting patiently...

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