re: john howard

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103

    I shalln't rush this time Mr. He Who Declares Himself the HotCopper Intellectual Giant.

    And you are again correct when you point out the obvious spelling mistakes in my previous post. I never use spellcheckers, even in all the academic writing I have to do for my continuing studies at the ANU.

    And let us truly compare some facts shall we pinhead. And I should not and will not clarrify who 'pinhead' is.

    John Howard, the one whom you seem to feel it necessary to give a 'sack, back and crack' with your abrasive little calves tongue, is indeed no ittelectual giant, as you seem self deemed. Fact No. 1, when the little piece of vermin was in charge of meni9al tasks such as ordering '15 new office chairs' once, he counted the shipment upon arrival and concluded that the numbers 'stacked up'. There were, actually on 14 chairs ever delivered. Fact No. 2. So it comes as zero suprise that whilst struggling to pass and complete his brain busting Law/Arts Degree (that the rodent got for nothing), he had to call on the favour of his teachers and lecturers of Mathematics just so he could gain the bare minimum pass. Fact No. 3. It certainly doesn't take an intellectual giant to realise and understand that Australia's 'terms of trade' are the figures that actually do count and should be made stack up. But nah, ignorami, such as those who do and have backed Howard and Costello, would much rather the believe that their continuance of fire selling all great Australian 'peoples companies and assets' to relieve the previous deficit is 'good business'.

    Ha ha, what a joke. I know, and it is blindingly obvious from how some HC members spruik and talk that many of you a so obviously businessman, business owners and giants within the field in your own right. So beg tell, pray tell, who of you considers it canny, wise or good business to 'flog' your assets (much less your best ones) when you run into difficulty and you would like to cancel some debt? Hmmm?

    And what is this continuing 'bunkem' about JH and leadership. If the two could ever be mentioned in the same sentence, it would have to also mention George. W in the same sentence also. It'd have to go something like, 'John Howard continually buckles and cowers to George. W, showing the everyready and pathetic weakness of spine that has typified his leadership'. So please don't demean what is known as the Australian male by associating this creep of a person with any ideals that are unique to leadership.

    Again, sorry that my last post was so flawed with spelling mistakes. It allows intellectual minnows such as yourself an avenue of attack, which I always regret allowing to happen. As I have posted many times, I truly believe JH will enter the anals of history as he truly should, and that is as more of the lieing, week spined, conveniently forgetful, untruthful, unaccountable, nepotistic bad manager and overseer that he is and was. And if you pinhead, or any other for that matter, are interested in sizing up who has the greatest life experience or higher IQ (or EQ), mine as I am sure JH's academic records and CV's are available for viewing at anytime.

    And as for the leadership ideals you say JH is so enamoured too? Let us not forget that it is Australian politics we are speaking of. Let us remeber that little JH had to just 'do his time', oh for about 30 years before he was 'elevated' to the position of Leader. The nomenclature of the Australian Politic Party stewardship, whether it be Liberal, Labour or Green or whatever is 100% misleading and an incorrect use of the word or terminology. There is not any room for true leaders in the Australian political landscape. F.A.C.T, pure and simple. So please, before all of you who claim so readily and foolishly that JH or anyone else who you thinks 'leads' this country, grab a HR 101 text and actually look at the definition and concept of leadership first please. The factional arrangements and the 'blue-blood' born to rule set such as JH and Labour have them too don't worry, ensure that whilst Australia remains as such, we shall never experience what it is to have a true leader.

    Hope the spelling is o.k for you this time around goose. And if you personally want to have an intellectual 'penis measuring competition', feel free to call the Student Admin at the ANU and ask for u4257743's G.P.A.

    Unless the've made a administrative bungle, which is a possibility considering the culture of Canberra, they should inform that student u4257743 is a 3rd year Actuarila/Finance student who is also majoring in Mandarin and who maintains a G.P.A above High Distinction.

    Not that that counts for much. Life experience, travels and the 'good and bad times' count for most of what I consider to be worth lugging around in life. Leaving the intellect out of it, I have this in rheems and would have a far greater idea than JH, KB or any of their respective nepotistic cronies and sychophants will ever have.

    And also know this. The only and I mean only reason I returned to Australia after being O/S for the last time was to get a great degree from our best Uni. As soon as I have it, I will vote myself off this island. After 33 years of belting my head against the brick wall known to most as 'Australia', I have decided if I am to effect this place in a positive way, the only possible way I can do this is from arms length, yes from over seas. And these thoughts have largely been galvanised and solidified by the intrinsic changes we have seen the lieing rodent make.

    And as I said, if you believe that we have felt, seen or experienced the impact of changes his regime have made and are yet to make, you are a true imbescile. A classic village i'jiot.

    Please, have another chip at my spelling, lol:)

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