re: just for turfitic, page-3

  1. 261 Posts.
    re: just for rabbitoh Rabbito,
    You talk about other races being racist, I will not begin to tell you what I had to put
    up with when I arrived in this country, but I will tell you about my eldest son.
    Do you know what it is like to be the only Asian in a grade 4 classroom?
    Do you know how it feels to be the only one in that classroom NOT to be invited to
    any of your classmates birthday parties.
    Do you know what it is like to spend your school lunch breaks on your own, and not
    for any other reason other than HE did not look the same as the others.
    What it is like to invite others from your class to your birthday and only get replys of
    " sorry too busy" or not get any reply at all?
    Not have any friends, so the only thing you can do is go home and study?
    And then get teased because you get A's in your report card.?

    This was my son's life untill he reached form 3, then we moved to a "better" part of
    Here my son had to put up with the " class bully "
    Things did not change untill the mother of the " class bully " asked my wife if my son
    would help her son with some studying, my son was more than happy to help because
    it meant he might have a chance to be friends with this boy.
    And this boy did become a friend and a good one too.
    The racial bullying soon stopped when all the other kids realised my son had this big
    They remained friends through high school and then uni.
    My son is now married to this boy's sister, so they are not only best friends thgey are
    brother in laws.

    There are racists and there racists in every country, but you learn to live with it.

    Your problem is you are a RACIST and a LOSER.

    You fail at being a good father thats why you worry about your childrens future, the
    opportunities have been in this country for all to take advantage of . If you did not
    teach your kids to study, then don't have a go at people that did.

    You live in an area that obviolsy has low rent, thats why you have the people you
    describe around you , therefore you fail as a husband and provider or else you would
    be able to move to a more suitable area.
    I don't want to hear that you are happy to live there, because you are not and you can't
    do anything about it you LOSER.
    Was your father one of these people who complained about all the Europeans building
    nice houses, while he still paying rent in a commission house. I THINK HE WAS.

    And you with your views will pass them down to your children and they will become
    LOOSERS like you and your parents before you.

    Yes Rabbito, I have not forgoten that racist remark you made to me, and for anybody
    else who is offende by this, sorry, but it only directed to Rabbito because he has made
    quite clear in his previous posts that he is racist. Not only to asians , but also to jews
    and anyone who does not fit in to his catregory.

    What goes around comes around, and I hope you are always surrounded by the people
    you hate, because you deserve it.
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