PRU 1.06% $2.80 perseus mining limited

re read march quarterly, page-14

  1. 5,436 Posts.
    I see Barra cared to respond ,but did not explain.
    You talk as if you know it all but obviously you know very little.
    You seem to concentrate on attacking the poster rather than the content of the post.What does that say about you?
    Respond to "Gold 5000"
    " impatience is not a desired trait for an investor."
    I m patient enough to wait till PRU is $2.00.
    Jumping head first like some did when PRU hit a dollar is not the desired trait ,by my standard.
    And clearily proven as PRU is currently 72 cents.
    That is down 28 for the silly ones that believed the likes of you.
    Maybe you have an explanation that you like to share.
    What price did the institution and retail pay ,in capital raising offer? Since the price dropped below this figure; is it likely that it would become more attractive for a take over at a cheap price?
    Is it possible that sp is being manipulated ?
    I know the answer. Anyone interested research ,the announcements ,and who is behind the scene,the volumes being traded ,course of trade etc.History and charts. .
    What time frame can you predict PRU to hit $2.00 ?
    I m conservative investor. I pay more for a share when i can see that risk is not so obvious. If Pru hits $2.00 then i expect it to rise further.
    Good luck

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Mkt cap ! $3.842B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.83 $2.87 $2.80 $6.849M 2.426M

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No. Vol. Price($)
2 5215 $2.80

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$2.82 21966 5
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Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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