Posted a video link here last week but hardly anyone watched it...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    Posted a video link here last week but hardly anyone watched it so reposting it as think it is relevant to latest topic.

    A USA journalist responded with a viewpoint which would probably be shared by many of us (I believe...) A poignant
    reminder that most of us make up this 'peaceful majority' yet the world only needs a small minority radical group
    brainwashed with violent notions to destroy the lives of millions. I have no doubt that a beheading would have occurred here any day now to some innocent victim destroying a family yet those protesting angrily about us wanting to protect ourselves before an event are crying out for Allah to revenge us for it - yet if the event actually happened they will probably state 'it was Allahs wish'?

    Most people would agree they are not against anyone being part of any religion as such - just specifically against anyone under any banner at all that preaches violence to others as being a normal way to live in life? There are good & bad people in every race in every country in the world so we should not generalise against a whole country as being all bad as such but unfortunately just a few bad apples can combine together reaping havoc on millions of passively nice people who don't know how to respond back to violence as not their usual thinking pattern - instead we end up cringing in the terror inflicted upon us by a few bad yet the good people far outweigh them by many millions.
    If this was fought on a battlefield as such & the good people were on one side & fired up by watching the atrocities caused by the bad ones we could easily obliterate the evil ones in just a flash but this appears impossible to combine our good gumption all together at once to ever do that.
    Can anyone create an app for that...?  Here is that video.
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