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    Poll finds Prime Minister Julia Gillard a three-way failure

    LABOR'S experiment to elect Julia Gillard as leader has been a "spectacular failure" with two thirds of voters believing the Government is now demonstrably worse than two years ago when Kevin Rudd was dumped.
    And they have delivered a damning assessment of Ms Gillard's ability to deliver on three key promises - to fix border protection, tackle climate change and share the wealth of the minerals boom though a mining tax.
    The majority of voters believe Ms Gillard failed on climate change through a broken promise not to introduce a carbon tax, with 59 per cent believing it would not reduce greenhouse emissions, according to the latest Galaxy poll.
    A similar number was unconvinced Labor was spreading the benefits of the mining boom to working families.
    But the PM's greatest failure has been on border protection. A decisive 80 per cent of voters claimed she had failed to stop asylum seeker boats.
    The results confirmed the political gamble by Labor's faceless men to dump Kevin Rudd in 2010 not only backfired but permanently crippled Labor, with little prospect of a near-term recovery for the government. The national Galaxy poll of 995 voters conducted exclusively for The Daily Telegraph at the weekend revealed Labor's primary vote was at 31 per cent, compared to the Coalition's 49 per cent.
    The figures, virtually unchanged since the last Galaxy poll in April, confirmed a prolonged electoral slump under Ms Gillard's leadership in the two years since she rolled Mr Rudd.
    The vote, after distribution of preferences, has Labor at 44 per cent with the Coalition at 56 per cent - a six-point drop since the 2010 election, but an eight-point dive from a Galaxy poll conducted when Ms Gillard first seized the leadership.
    On these current results Labor could lose up to 30 seats if an election were held this coming weekend on the anniversary of the June 24 leadership coup.

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