read this - right on the money!, page-18

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    In this conflict who's right and who's wrong depends on which side your standing on so I won't enter into it but I can tell you it will never end untill both sides accept the fact that niether side is about to pack up and move to another continent!
    Its been going on for over sixty years and it will keep on going forever unless they can come to an agreement and draw a line in the sand and agree that is your side and this is our side, let bygone's be bygone's and respect each other as human beings and live in peace on our respective little patch!

    Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen and given the fact that neither side will ever succeed in completely annialating the other this conflict will keep on going on and all we'll be doing is keep on debating who is fighting fair.
    The sad fact is that there is no such thing as fair in love and war so your best argument either way will count for nought.
    Very sad.
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