Woah massive backtrack AntN. Might aswell just say 2+2=4 and...

  1. 745 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Woah massive backtrack AntN. Might aswell just say 2+2=4 and conclude the debate on climate teachings?

    Yes an increase in GHG (note no mention of humans) traps more heat - this is a scientific fact. Doesnt mean the rest of it is correct unfortunately. Every step you take away from this premise/fact must be a work of solid research and sound logic. This isnt't happening.

    E.g. Human contribution outside of nature's abilities to manage, our ability as a nation to make any real difference and most importantly the proof that temperature change didn't occur first as that releases co2 from the oceans. Many other points but these are at the top of my head right now.

    The human co2 effect is minor. Look at the equations the believer's derived. However, there aren't many papers that dwelve on this FACT.

    I know radiative forcing is a function of the log of co2, which mean co2 is a function of the exponentiation of rf. Now if rf is increased in other ways (remember majority of ghg is not human...humans are likely to be about 5-10% of ghg (30% of 25% conservatively according to believers' side papers)) then this can cause a huge increase in co2 levels (which then enters the positive feedback cycle)!

    Can you see this? Or is it just me that dwelves on these useless things?
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