kevqazI hear you! There are some really good tradies out there...

  1. 12,085 Posts.


    I hear you! There are some really good tradies out there who are more aptly, craftsman.

    I had a young guy do some kerbing for me. He admitted he was just starting out. He spent ages trying to get the set up right. His machine couldn't be used 100% of the time because the kerbing was for an edge right next to the house brickwork, he had to manually construct the change in direction.

    I'll give him one thing...he had patience and pride in his work. I can see him succeeding in his job.

    The job he did was more than acceptable.

    Then there are others like that roofie I mentioned, who works for a top Perth builder, and he rushed the job because it wasn't a $200k build for his boss. Those are cowboys, in my eyes. Whether it's a $2 job or a $200k job, pride and workmanship should never be compromised.
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