realistically, what can abbott do?, page-47

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Certainly our relationship with Indonesia, recently devolved to one of vassal state to Indonesia and cash-providing slave, during the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus, while not in crisis, is certainly being tested...

    We can no longer accept the Rudd instigated destruction of our sovereign status and the handing over of our northern border control to Indonesian gangster groups of people smugglers and traffickers who made massive amounts of cash from this Rudd-instigated trade, and quite undertandably, would like to enlist the services of socialist traitors to Australia to keep it running smoothly with the Australian Navy acting as a free pickup and pizza service at the convenience and beck and call of the gangsters...

    We can no longer accept the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus degraded relationship where if our leaders travel to Indonesia, they must bring hundreds of millions of dollars in tribute, the last one I recall was tribute from Gillard that seems to have been used on military buildup...

    We can no longer accept that Indonesians call the tune and decide how deeply our Australian leaders must bow to them in apology as seems to have been the practice under the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus and understandably, the Indonesian leadership would like to continue...

    This will not be the last legacy disaster that we are stinkbombed with socialist media traitors in Australia from legacy issues and disasters from the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus and with Tony Abbott's resolve, common sense and diplomacy, we can forge a new relationship with Indonesia to replace this master/servant (Indonesia as master) relationship from the failed Rudd/Gillard era that seems to have suited the failed clowns...

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