reality vs illusion

  1. 5,014 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    Upon this much has substituted reality with illussion. We can see how reality is manipulated by an injection of illusion. I mean there is but one understanding of reality and that is somewhat true in nature and in substance. In nature there is a difference in determining what is and what isn't via questions that make something's correct and some not. As per example, if you were at a market place and approached a stall selling bargain goods and were shown merchandise and you decided to buy, what would you do when you were given a box thinking it was what you bought ? Would you ask to see the inside of the box or would you take for granted that the seller is honest and there is that merchandise in side your box ?
    The same applies to most things especially in the society that we live in today. So, before you accept, do you look and see or take for granted ?

    Let's take a brief look at our mind and it's faculties;
    The reason our mind operates the way it does is via our 6 senses, I have included the sixth as it is a creative and intuition channel. Our senses are objects of the mind, therefore our mind requires a complete trust on the unity of the senses otherwise the mind could not operate at all. The data that the senses collect are vital as without it as mentioned above would fail the mind. So the collection of the data is stored somewhere in the mind, habits are important as they manifest the synchronic apparatus to dwell together in unison connection other bits and pieces, stringing together putting into place. What I'm getting at is at times like many times especially in our society marketing strategies play a big role in converting illusion into reality and the person readily excepts. Our minds are littered with misinformation or pollution and when our conscious faculty does not question the matter and readily excepts it like the example above, we become conditioned, a very hard process to extinguish .
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