Recession under Labor!, page-235

  1. 2,902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 299
    Care to to provide some examples BCCanuck as to where labour is in disarray
    They seem to be doing well on most fronts
    1 Defence - have identified the key areas and used foreign policy to rebuild relations with key neighbours .Dont want want the Chinese to make too many inroads
    2Foreign Policy- have rebuilt relations with our biggest trading partner (who had cut us off as a supplier wherever they could.This done while leaving no doubt as to where Australia stands on Chinas expansionist aspirations
    3 Education- have an understanding that it is critical for Australias position in a new world and that we cannot maintain our position by just digging stuff out of the ground forever
    4 Mining -focussing on what takes over the mantle from iron and coal when the party ends as it the stimulation of REE to both break Chinas grip on these strategic elements and give Aus another arrow in its quiver where it can be dominant
    5 Health going well
    6 Finance Seem to be turning inflation around .Have had to deal with the double whammy of imported inflation and the largest debt(in real terms and relative to GDP) we have had since the overhang of WW2 Big job well handled
    Finally after all these years a treasurer who knows the importance and how to deliver a budget surplus (looks like we will do it again this year)
    He will no doubt be telling everyone how WA cannot deliver forever from mining to prop up aus
    How fiscal responsibility is going to be critical in 2025 The coaltion days of spending like a miner on payday must be put firmly behind us
    7Climate- I give you they could have done better and still seem to some extent in the pockets of fossil fuel people.However compared to the other options and predecessors they have made giant strides
    8 Housing -We have a big problem here.Years of underinvestment meeting a wave of pent up immigration.Not sure labour has the answer here but it is a very compex problem and I am also not sure who does
    Could go on for a long time but hope this gives you something to think about
    Your thoughts without just some platitude like labours useless would be appreciated
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