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Reconstruction, page-116

  1. 3,532 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    If Triton hold a majority interest in six exploration licenses including  Nicanda Hill and Ancuabe with a further two licenses under application, what difference does it make where the rock came from?

    If you have the rock - that is the important bit. IMO that is the (MAIN) reason we have sailed the rudderless TONtanic into a VA, whoops.

    1/ There is nothing to see here as the announcements were coming thick and fast, with Shenzhen (SQZG) only possibly left out of the loop when they signed the LOI on the 27th April 2015.
    2/ Then came Extraordinary Metallurgical results from Ancuabe on the 29th of April 2015.
    3/ The JV with YXGC came on the 14th of May 2015.
    4/ Market leading floatation results from Ancubabe came out on the 18th of May 2015.

    But then came an announcement that rectified any doubts with regard to Shenzhen (SQGC) was issued in June.
    5/ Shenzhen Review to include Ancuabe on the 2nd of June 2015.

    With all the activity going on jetlag etc. I can't see anything more than a reprimand for BB to come out of this and probably not even that.

    I am far more concerned as to:
    1/ Trading in TON shares from 1/10/15 to the announcement that GH was appointed to replace BB.
    Especially the trading prior to the release of the first CR. If there were "certain parties" with a questionable agenda - that's where they would be lurking. A SP decline is one good reason to dump the CEO.
    No wonder "they" griped and moaned loudly when BB sold his shares - the old look over there trick.

    2/ Trading from the 14th of January until the last day TON traded. The SP did not react positively in the aftermath of the CR. Why? Similar reasons come to mind if there was indeed a questionable agenda in motion.  

    Jaded you have produced a sterling effort in singing the virtues of a couple of positive days trading, prior to the apointment of FH.

    3/ The information presented in the prospectus not accurately outlining the true state of Triton's accounts including future commitments, which after 6 weeks led to the appointment of a VA.

    This should not be read as a pro - Brad Boyle post, but more of an anti-management post. We have to wait to see what the VA will reveal here in terms of possible skeletons in the closet, which would be BB's.
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