@pintohooUnfortunately for you ... you don't have the education...

  1. 13,209 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 811

    Unfortunately for you ... you don't have the education to know you have been conned and lied to.

    The only way I can try to help you is to ask you to take a close look at the scale of the graph for temperature. A close look.

    You will see that we are dealing with + or - 1 degree only and from normal you have to halve that to + or - half a degree.

    When you learn stats you will learn that one cannot claim a trend when that trend lies totally within the error margins of your data.

    Pintohoo do you know the error margins of the data? Hmmmm?

    Have you allowed for the changes to this due to homogenisation?

    If you do not then you simply do not know if you have been lied to.

    People have had to go to court repeatedly to get a look at the raw data versus the published graphs. This is not how proper science works. The propagandists have something to hide accordingly.

    On top of the error margin problem you also have natural variability and everything we have seen remains totally within the realms of natural variability.

    Just one example for you is cyclone Mahina versus cyclones since then.

    I can give you others at length eg Ipswich flood heights now versus historical...

    Last edited by nippy: 20/03/24
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