'No doubt about it ! and the media coverage has been the most...

  1. 211 Posts.
    'No doubt about it ! and the media coverage has been the most one sided rort i have ever seen and it appears the aussie gullible public has swallowed it ...
    Heck if you tell someone now how bad theyve got it a few hundred times you can convince them it is the case.
    I still want to know...... Who is Kevin Rudd and when is someone in the media going to dissect the alternate governments policies"

    Well lets have a closer look at this shall we, even though the
    and the
    will not like it and cry foul, or just carry on and attack my spelling or something to produce a smoke screen to hid themselves behind, as usual.

    'Heck if you tell someone now how bad theyve got it a few hundred times you can convince them it is the case.'

    This game plan was not by accident.
    The game plan came DIRECTLY from Hitler.
    YES, Hitler and the 1930's.

    This is the plan, does it look like what you have seen here in Australia, a copy of the idea?

    First the kids, (who love krudd, a hero who deserved the loyalty of the people.)

    Back then, the State Gestapo The Hitler Youth Propaganda changed kids thinking with the schools,

    Then the public,
    The Nazis took control of Radio stations
    The German people were subjected to continual propaganda, under the control of Josef Goebbels. It was the cult of personality.

    'When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side', I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already'. – Adolf Hitler 1937. The Nazis replaced anti-Nazi teachers and University professors, and school lessons included hidden indoctrination (brainwashing) - requiring children to calculate how much mentally disabled people cost the state, or to criticize the racial features of Jewish people. They were CONSTANTLY taught about Nazi ideas and the idea that Hitler was a hero who deserved the loyalty of the people. Control the Youth of Germany

    Strength through Joy’ Although wages actually fell under the Nazis they controlled the workers by keeping them happy.

    The Strength through Joy programme also built sports facilities,

    Does that remind you of anything or anywhere or anybody ?

    Yes the
    and the
    learnt from Mr Hitler and Josef Goebbels.
    The game plan AROUND THE WORLD and have used it ever since they over ran Germany.

    As I said before same old, same old.....game plan it worked in the 1930's and its working again.

    Control the kids thinking, they grow up and you have slaves to your thinking.
    Control the media, you feed your slaves with your kind of thinking.

    Sorry folks but this is far from funny.

    Who is krudd, ask a Queenslander and he will tell you, someone who hid behind Wayne Goss and pulled the strings and fuelled Wayne with his own ideas, that when they failed and left a mess, he then ran away to Canberra....AND THATS A FACT !

    A deeply worried,
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