Re-open Nauru, she now says. Admitting that was best - over the...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Re-open Nauru, she now says. Admitting that was best - over the Malaysian desperate thought bubble. Yes, why was it ever abandoned. 4 people in custody when Howard left office - now 6800 - fights, arson, the whole disaster.

    Ho-hum. How the worm turns - and the chickens come home to roost.

    I told anyone who would listen that Rudd would be a disaster. No one I know dreamed he'd get in.

    Yes, perhaps Howard was running out of puff - but then again, was he? Age in the USA is not a crime in politicians, media presenters, and world diplomats, etc.
    Age, generally, is respected - and the aged listened to with respect. Capability has nothing to do with age. It is not a crime to live long, and wise.

    Only female film stars bear the brunt of having reached the ripe old age of 40 - and get no more roles offered!

    I note Howard keeps his bib out of most things politic these days - unlike some of the other old "creakers" - filled with bitterness that they are not still in the driving seat - and wanting to tell the "youngies" how to do it.

    Hawke's effort this week was disgusting re. Tony Abbott - as was Julia's guffawing in the background! She who then demands "respect."

    When Howard does have something to say - i is clear, concise, transparently understandable, and delivered pleasantly and with good grace. Hearing him is refreshing after the Gillard drone - and the dodging and weaving of most of her Ministers.

    Nasty sneering seems to be the chosen modus operandi of current crop of second rate Labor politicians - and some of the females are the worst.

    And a resort of many of their supporters - who either see no wrong- or if so, flatly refuse to admit it.

    Nothing good comes out of agression and spitefulness. We should demand more from our so-called leaders.
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