Rejection to Made in China is gaining momentum - Unstopable., page-3

  1. 598 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    We all now have a pretty clear understanding of how the Chinese Communist Party operate and behave.
    Just want to bully anyone who stands in their way.
    Labelling ( ie New Zealand ) camouflages where the products actually originally come from - product of New Zeakand does not mean manufactured in NZ from what I can determine.
    I live on the Bellarine Peninsula ( Geelong) and am presently looking to buy a queen size mattress and whilst some mattress mfrs. say Australian Ingredients used they are Actually Assembled in China - so upon a little checking I have discovered that we have two very good mattress manufacturers in Geelong and I intend buying one of their products .
    Also with our Premier falling over himself to use Chinese Belt & Road for funding Victorian asset development ( against Federal Govt. advice ) I have fears of what the next generations debt will be .
    I think we trust the CCP at our own peril and MUST move our dependency away from them.
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